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I’m working on a symphony at the moment, and I’ve finished the first two movements. The symphony is in D# minor, which is a terrible key for everyone and I shouldn’t have done that. But I did. Because I’m a pianist. And D# minor is lovely to play in, on the piano. Which the symphony doesn’t have. The orchestra is flute, oboe, Bflat clarinet, bassoon, two horns, a trumpet, and string choir.

The first movement is a standard sonata-allegro form. I’ll be fairly impressed if anyone gets the various jokes I made in the key changes. Not because they’re so clever, but because I probably did them badly. The second movement is the slow movement, an Aria in ABA ternary form for oboe. The third movement, half done, will be a waltz. The finale is looking like a rondo. We’ll see.

Movement #1: Andante, Allegretto (10 min)

Movement #2: Adagio (3.5 min)

Here are a few other minor compositions:

String Choir #1, about 30 seconds. I think of it as being the background for a car commercial, maybe.

This is a piece for Cello and Piano I’m actually rather proud of.

Here is a tiny Sonatina vaguely in the form of a Rondo, so I call it Sonatina Rondetta.

And here is a little Sonatina I call Sonatina Delicatissima.

Below are random recordings of me at the piano made with my iPhone. So they suck.

My Compositions:

Something a Little More Polished
Wedding March
Minimalist Prelude
Impromptu #2
Angry Music
Thoughts on Selling a Wedding Ring
Two Voice Fugue
Water Music
Grief (After Newtown, Connecticut)
C Major Impromptu
Evening Song

Other people’s:

Chopin, op 28 no 4, Prelude in e

Chopin, op 28 no 6, Prelude in b

Brahms, op 39 no 3, Waltz in g#

Beethoven, op 27 no 2, Sonata 1st movement “Moonlight”

7 Comments leave one →
  1. 15 April 2012 13:10

    Enjoyed the aria. Looking forward to listening to the rest!

  2. 29 April 2012 15:36

    Thanks for these, it made it very easy to hear your work so far. I like, but wish I could hear it played on real instruments. I bet you wish that, too.

  3. 5 August 2015 08:52

    beautiful music.


  1. Arguing with Collaborators. « Infactorium
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